
How Mobile Applications Can Benefit from Machine Learning

What is Machine Learning? Machine learning, also known as ML, is a field of artificial intelligence that enables mobile applications to learn and improve based on experience. This process involves using algorithms that analyze data and draw conclusions without the need to program every possible scenario. This technology has gained popularity in recent years due […]

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Technologies We Use for ML-Based Projects

Da Vinci Studio is a team of programmers from Bielsko-Biała full of enthusiasm, creativity, and passion. Dedicated software and web applications, as well as machine learning-based solutions, have been our superpowers for 13 years. We have our own group of senior developers, some of whom have been with us since the company’s inception. We continually […]

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Vinvi Medicine: A Breakthrough in MedTech with AI in Primary Care Facilities

AI and MedTech: Redefining Modern Healthcare MedTech is not limited to advanced diagnostic devices – it also includes software and systems based on artificial intelligence that support doctors, clinics, and hospitals in their daily work. Da Vinci Studio, a leader in innovation, has developed Vinci Medicine – a system that revolutionizes the management of medical […]

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Definition of Big Data – Discover Data Analytics

In today’s world, the available data resources are becoming larger and more complex. Analyzing and interpreting this data can provide significant benefits for businesses, scientists, and society as a whole. In this article, we will answer questions about what Big Data exactly is, the challenges it poses to researchers, and the benefits it can bring […]

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5 tools a machine learning programmer in Python must know

We are living in the age of data, for which we need ever-increasing computer processing power and vast storage resources. Information is increasing by the day, and managing big data is becoming a real challenge. To this end, companies are building sophisticated systems and machine learning algorithms to make sense of the information and enable […]

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Vinci Rithms – easier, faster and more efficient!

Vinci Rithms is your reliable assistant. Every month, week, or even day, companies in the shipping industry receive hundreds – and some even thousands – of different inquiries per day. The biggest players even receive tens of thousands of these emails a month! What they have in common is that they are unstructured, so there […]

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Rip machines out of human supervision! Can AI exist without humans?

Today’s computers can be compared to dogs or very young children. Just like them, systems learn by observation, making improvements by trial and error. However, none of these processes take place without the human factor. Humans need to teach, give clues and correct mistakes. One of the basic challenges scientists are working on with artificial […]

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